Total Tree Services for the Cork, Kerry and Munster regions
Carrigrour, Glengarriff, Co Cork
Mon-Fri: 08:00 - 17:00

Total Tree Services provide an on site timber shredding service and we can remove all waste, which can be disposed of in an
eco-friendly manner.

We can also leave the wood chip for use in your garden - it can be used in many ways including;

A mowing strip around trees
A mulch to keep down weeds
Bedding for animals or fowl
As rough paths.

Use that mulch!
If you have newly planted trees, mulch is their best friend.

Mulch is a valuable for your trees health and care because;

  • It insulates the soil helping to provide a buffer from heat and cold temperatures
  • It retains water helping to keep the roots moist
  • It keeps weeds out to help prevent root competition.
  • It prevents soil compaction
  • It reduces lawn mower damage.