Spring into action with these simple tips for optimum tree care in Spring.

With the winter woes in the not too distant past, it’s time to think spring! Spring into 2020 with these 5 simple tree care tips for a happy, healthy growing season.

Spring is the time to start providing your trees with some extra love and attention, simply put, tree care. Because they have been essentially asleep for the past three months, as well as having had moisture and debris build upon them, it is vital that your trees are taken care of as early into spring as possible.

There are a few different tree care steps that you should initially take with your trees once they have finally woken up after their winter hibernation. We will be looking at several different tips to ensure that your trees will thrive over the next few months.

Tree Care in Spring West Cork and Kerry

1. Clean and inspect trees and shrubs.

With the damp wet stormy winter, your landscape may have encountered tree debris, standing water or flood damage. Get rid of the debris, leaves and sticks in or on the trees, paying close attention to critical risk trees to  determine whether removal or pest and disease treatments are necessary.

2. Prune dead branches.

Want healthy trees? Proper pruning protects your green assets from the unsafe branches that suffered damage from winter weather. Look for dead wood, frostbite, or lesions on leaves. Prune away dead, damaged, or diseased limbs.

If there are extra stubs from old limbs, make sure to remove those, as well as cutting back branches that rub together.

Cabling or bracing may be necessary, to reduce strain and stress damage from high winds, or lightning protection for future spring and summer storms.

3. Mulch your landscape.

Clear the entire area around your trees and begin putting down mulch. When laying mulch, make sure to give each trunk a layer that is about three or four inches thick all around. If this seems like a lot, just consider that this makes a solid protective layer for them.

Mulch secures the organic matter trees need beneath the soil surface. Conserve soil moisture and control weeds with proper mulching techniques.

4. Watering

Ensure trees have enough water for a solid growing season.

Check soil moisture once a week 4-6 inches below the surface. Soil should be moist but not wet. Deep watering prevents weak surface roots from forming and encourages the growth of robust roots underground.

5. Fertilize plants.

Before your trees and shrubs enter peak growing season, apply a slow-release fertilizer to not only replace nutrients, but also to improve plants’ resistance to damage from diseases and stressful weather.

Apply the fertilizer directly on the drip line of the tree, and if you want it to be absorbed faster, drill holes into the surrounding areas with a punch or a probe.

To contact Total Tree Services, call Colin on 087-256 8367 or email colintrees@gmail.com

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